Before leaving Burgos, don’t forget that the next big city, Leon is six days away, thus if you need to buy walking gear or some rare items, be sure to do it now as the options for shopping will be quite limited during the next days.
Getting out of Burgos is easy and the way is well-marked. The first place you reach is Villalbilla de Burgos, a suburban town where not much can be seen. Next is Tandajos, where you can find two Albergues and a café and shop. The church here dates back to the 13th century.
Not even half an hour’s walk away lies the village of Rabe de las Calzadas where you can find a café. If you continue your journey, make sure to fill up on water and essentials as the next stop settlement is two hours away, in Hornillos del Camino. This small village has only 66 inhabitants but there is a bar where you can drink and refill your bottle. You will most likely need to drink if you walk the Camino during the summer as normally in this area summers are hot.
From Hornillos del Camino you need to walk almost three more hours to reach Hontanas and in the meantime, you will only find an Albergue five kilometers from Hornillos, named San Bol.
Hontanas is not a big village either, its population is less than 100 but at least you will find here three Albergues. Some people prefer to walk over nine more kilometers to the bigger village of Castrojeríz as usually, this stage is quite easy on the foot but most opt to stay overnight in Hontanas.
Keep in mind that if you stop here for a night, in order to reach Fromista the next day, you will walk over 34 kilometers, while if you want to reach Castrojeriz you need to walk 9 more kilometers.
There are different options to arrive from Burgos to Frómista. One is to split the route into 3 stages and instead of walking in one day until Hontanas, stop earlier at Hornillos del Camino. The map below is showing the short way. If you are going to Hontas please see the next stage of the route.
You can follow this link to book online your hostel or room in Hontanas or Hornillos del Camino!