This day will be a shorter one, the distance between Fromista and Carrión de los Condes is only 19 kilometers long and it will be mostly a flat surface. Some people prefer to walk a longer distance today in order to shorten the next day’s walk.
The first village on the way is Poblacion de Campos where you can find a baroque church dating back to the 1500s. After crossing the river you follow the road and will pass through three small villages Revenga de Campos, Villarmentero de Campos, and Villalcazar de Sirga where you can find the Romanesque Church of Santa Maria la Blanca, a church built by the Templars in the 12th century. Out of these three small villages, Villalcazar de Sirga is the most interesting, its church is well worth a longer stop. Opposite the church, you can find a good bar and restaurant.
The town of Carrión de los Condes is 5 kilometers from Villalcazar de Sirga. Here, you will find a good selection of bars, restaurants, markets, and pilgrim hostels.
You can follow this link to book online your hostel or room in Carrión de los Condes or to search for accommodation on your way!