This is a rather short stage of the Camino Portugues and more urban in nature. There is no need to worry about the lack of facilities at this stage.
Although the stage is quite short, you will have facilities in Cesantes and in Arcade. Right after Arcade, you will pass a magnificent Romanesque bridge that will lead you to Pontesampaio (or Puente Sampayo). It is here where a decisive battle for Spain’s independence was held against Napoleon’s troops in 1809 which ended the five-month French occupation.
Pontevedra is the final destination for today’s stage and this major Galician city is worth exploring. The Capela da Virxe Peregrina is a rounded church that is a must-stop for pilgrims. It is located in Praza de Peregrina (Square of Pilgrims) on the Camino. Although it looks circular, its ground plan is in the form of a scallop shell.
The Basílica de Santa María la Mayor is another church from the 16th century that is worth visiting.
You can follow this link to book online a hostel or room in Pontevedra or to search for accommodation on your way! Buen Camino! Click here to Book Your Stay!