This is the hardest day of the route But in my opinion also the “Highlight” of the Camino, as you pass through San Adrian’s Tunnel on this day.
The first 5k of the day is along a fairly quiet road to Zagama. Here you Must top up on supplies and liquid as it is the last chance you will have for more than 15k.
Soon after Zagama you leave the “main” road behind you and go onto, first a very minor road, then on tracks and paths you rapidly gain height, finally, you walk through San Adrian’s Tunnel, then you continue upwards for a short while on an old Roman Calzada before crossing the col and the highest point of the route.
From here it is mainly downhill, first on tracks, then minor roads, through Zalduondo where there is a fountain and a bar (Closed when we passed through), and on to Salvatierra where there is a choice of accommodation.