The Camino Ingles has two starting points. The El Ferrol route is 110 km to Santiago de Compostela, and this is sufficient to obtain a Compostela when you arrive in Santiago. The A Coruña route is only 75 km. The two routes join in Bruma.
The first day of the Camino will be only 19 kilometers long and starts right in Ferrol. While getting out of Ferrol, you will have to pass an extended industrial area, and after that, the route will follow the road for a while.
The second part of the day will be more pleasant as you will have to pass through a eucalyptus forest as well, and this will be a significant change from the traffic you encountered earlier.
The day ends in Pontedeume, another sea town where you can visit the Iglesia de Santiago from the 13th century.
If you split this stage into two days, you can stop at Miño on the second day.
This stage will take you from Ferrol to Pontedeume, which is usually the first stop on the Camino Ingles, or you can split this stage in two and continue from Xubia to Miño on the second day.